BCG’s Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Success for every organization—including our own—hinges on the ability to elevate diversity of thought and experience, to challenge established mindsets, and to unlock solutions that enable organizations to thrive.

To fully reflect the world in which we work and to achieve sustainable impact, we:

  • Recruit passionate, open-minded people of all gender identities, sexual orientations, ethnicities, abilities, and experience.
  • Offer employees global diversity affinity networks for gender and LGBTQ identity as well as regional networks addressing race, ethnicity, disability, military veterans, and other dimensions. We focus on intersectionality across these networks and provide affiliation, networking, education, sponsorship, mentorship, and access to senior leaders.
  • Identify local opportunities in each market to foster inclusion, create greater awareness and education, and drive cultural changes. In North America, this work is driven by Inclusion Accelerators, local office committees responsible for programming and education initiatives on topics of culture and identity.
  • Invest in proprietary research that helps to inform our people strategy and our understanding of key issues.
  • Offer consulting and provide customized tools to guide decision making, as we work alongside our clients on their DEI strategies.
  • Partner with leading organizations across the globe to learn from those that are best in class and contribute to the evolving dialogue regarding DEI.
  • Joined the Measuring for Change Community to support the use of the key performance indicators to measure gender and diversity in the workforce.

Commitments to Racial Equity

Our vision is to challenge racism and inspire all to advance equity—within our workplace, our work, and our world. Each of our offices around the world takes steps to address racial equity inside our firm and beyond. Our commitment to advancing racial equity spans across racial and ethnic identities facing societal inequality and injustice. In 2020, our leadership publicly announced six commitments to advancing racial equity.

At BCG, we partner with leaders across the business community and society to tackle many of the world’s toughest challenges, including racial equity.

BCG supports the Business Roundtable's Racial Equity & Justice subcommittees on Education & Workforce and Finance. BCG's Rich Lesser, serves on both groups and as a member of the Business Roundtable's Board of Directors. We are a founding member of the World Economic Forum’s Racial Justice in Business initiative—a coalition of 44 organizations committed to improving racial and ethnic justice in the workplace and advocating for inclusive policy change.

We’re proud to be a participating partner in Management Leadership for Tomorrow’s (MLT) Racial Equity at Work Certification Programs, which establish measurable standards for what it means to be a racially equitable employer. We partnered with MLT to develop and launch the Black Equity at Work Certification in 2020. At present, BCG has achieved silver certification in the program.

We also recently partnered with MLT to help launch the Hispanic Equity at Work Certification. We look forward to developing a comprehensive racial equity plan that will continue to help us hold ourselves accountable to making significant progress.


Commitments to Gender Equality

Recruiting, retaining, and advancing women at BCG is a top priority. Our Women@BCG network supports our women by educating leaders and staff, offering customized development and sponsorship plans that connect women with the firm’s most senior leaders, and facilitating valuable connection and affiliation opportunities. We track and measure representation, holding ourselves accountable to retention and advancement aspirations across all levels of the organization.

Additionally, we have enhanced our focus on our allies. The Men as Allies program in North America engages male employees in our gender diversity initiatives by including men in the critical conversations around inclusion and advancement of women in the workplace. Prominent BCG leaders have also taken strides to push the Women@BCG agenda.


Commitments to LGBTQ Equality

BCG strives to create an environment in which all LGBTQ employees feel confident in their ability to bring their authentic selves to work and secure collaborating with colleagues and clients. Through Pride@BCG, we support LGBTQ colleagues so they can grow personally and professionally—while fully respecting each person’s choices about their own journey and, where appropriate, need for confidentiality.

Our Pride@BCG network focuses on:

  • Expanding access to outstanding LGBTQ talent pools. We sponsor recruiting events such as Reaching Out MBA (US), Eurout (Europe), LGBT Leaders (UK), LGBT Talents (France), and Pride2Be (Brazil).
  • Offering career development support, mentorship, and networking opportunities to connect with and learn from other LGBTQ colleagues.
  • Creating a culture that is safe and comfortable for all LGBTQ BCGers so that they feel able to be their authentic selves at work.
  • Articulating BCG’s values externally at tables that matter.
  • Conducting and publishing original research and thought leadership.

Pride@BCG alumni are a further valuable resource, providing professional guidance to current members and maintaining an ongoing relationship with the group. Alumni are invited to attend different events within their region and receive regular updates.

We sponsor and serve as thought partners with:

Image of a cyclist Racing with a Crowd of People on Either Side of the Road

Commitments to Disability Inclusion

Our AccessAbility@BCG network—which is active in North America, Australia, and New Zealand—connects BCGers across a few focus areas, including physical disability, neurodiversity, chronic illness, and mental health.

The network advances three goals:

  1. Fostering community among people at BCG who have disabilities, chronic illnesses, or are caregivers of people with disabilities through mentorship and career development programs, candid conversations, and affiliation events.
  2. Developing resources and advocating for people with disabilities.
  3. Promoting education and awareness throughout the broader BCG community and destigmatizing disability in the workplace.

BCG continues to design accessible offices, maintain and upgrade current offices, promote education and awareness among office staff, and accommodate employee needs.

We are a member of The Valuable 500 and are committed to putting disability inclusion at the top of our people agenda.

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Commitments to Military Veterans

BCG deeply values the talent, training, and proven leadership skills of military veterans. Our North America Veterans@BCG network promotes affiliation among military recruiting candidates, BCG employees, and alumni representing every branch of military service and intelligence services around the world.

The network’s mission is to raise awareness of civilian career paths for veterans, support their unique career transition, and help veterans leverage their individual skills to succeed at BCG.

Beyond BCG, Veterans@BCG has partnered with Commit Foundation, Wounded Warrior Project, and other nonprofit organizations. In addition, several members of the network participate in pro bono work that directly affects members of these communities.

BCG has been selected as one of 30 finalists for the Secretary of Defense Employer Support Freedom Award, which is the highest recognition given by the US Department of Defense to employers for their exceptional support of National Guard and Reserve members.

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